How to resolve ICE
How to resolve ICE
What are Internal
Consistency Evaluators (ICEs)?
Every software packager involved with Windows Installer possibly knows that it
is not easy to do it on ICE, right?
Even though Microsoft created the ICE validation rules to enforce consistency
within the MSI database, you may need to deal with many validation errors and
warnings which do not have obvious cause or resolution. Whether you deal with a
repackaged application as MSI or a vendor-supplied MSI, you may see hundreds of
validation errors and warnings. Some errors and warnings can safely be left in
packages and others should be resolved.
Internal Consistency Evaluators (ICEs)
Internal consistency evaluators are simply custom actions written in VBScript,
JScript, or as a DLL or EXE. When these custom actions are executed, they scan
the database for entries in database records that are valid when examined
individually but that may cause incorrect behavior in the context of the whole
installation database.
ICE custom actions return four kinds of messages.
* Errors: Error messages report database authoring that cause incorrect
behavior. Errors may cause run-time problems for the installation database
and/or the application which can be installed from the installation database.
For example, using the same GUID for two components is not allowed and this
will result in an ICE error during validation.
* Warnings: Warning messages report database authoring that causes incorrect
behavior in certain cases. Warnings can also report unexpected side-effects of
database authoring. For example, entering the same property name in two
conditions that differ only by the case of letters in the name. Because the
installer is case-sensitive, the installer treats these as different
* Failures: Failure messages report the failure of the ICE custom action.
Failure is commonly caused by a database with such severe problems that the ICE
cannot even run.
* Informational: Informational messages provide information from the ICE and do
not indicate a problem with the database. Often they are information about the
ICE itself, such as a brief description. They can also provide progress
information as the ICE runs.
The mechanism to do a package validation is fairly simple. To validate a
database, you will need to use a special validation tool to merge a .cub file
(sometimes called ice cubes) containing the Internal Consistency Evaluators
(ICEs) into your database, execute the ICEs, and report the results.
What does ICE01 check?
ICE01 validates that the ICE mechanism is working. It does not test anything.
This ICE uses the Time property to get the time and returns either the system
time or None.
When does ICE01 show up?
Unless there is a problem with the ICE mechanism, ICE01 should never return an
Where can I get more information?
Microsoft Platform SDK - ICE01
What does ICE02 check?
ICE02 validates that certain references between the Component, File, and
Registry tables are reciprocal. These references must to be reciprocal for the
installer to correctly determine the installation state of components.
Key path value used for a component in the Component table must be the primary
key of a record in the Registry or File tables depending on the type of key
path. In addition, the value used under Component_ column of File or Registry
tables must be the primary key of the corresponding record in the Component
table. Hence, the references must be reciprocal.
When does ICE02 show up?
ICE02 posts an error message if it finds a reference that is not
How can I fix ICE02?
You will need to modify the record so that the reference can be
Where can I get more information?
Microsoft Platform SDK - ICE02
What does ICE03 check?
ICE03 checks the data types and foreign keys based on the _Validation table and
the database tables in the .msi file. The _Validation table is a system table
that contains the column names and the data types for all of the tables in the
database. It is used during the database validation process to ensure that all
columns are accounted for and have the correct values.
When does ICE03 show up?
ICE03 typically posts an error if a data value is not permitted based on the
data type and table information stored in _Validation Table.
Brief descriptions of the ICE03 errors are listed below:
Duplicate Primary Key
The primary keys of a new row duplicates the primary keys of an existing row.
The Nullable column of the _Validation table shows the primary keys in the
Not A Nullable Column
A table column that is not specified as nullable in the Nullable column of the
_Validation table contains an entry that is Null.
Not A Valid Foreign Key
A column that is a foreign key into a second table contains an entry that does
not exist in the primary key of the second table.
Value exceeds MaxValue
The numeric value of an entry in a database table exceeds the maximum limit
specified for this field in the MaxValue column of the _Validation table.
Value below MinValue
The numeric value of an entry in a database table is less than the minimum
limit specified for this field in the MinValue column of the _Validation table.
Value not a member of the set
The value of an entry in a database table is not a member of the acceptable set
of values specified for this field in the Set column of the _Validation table.
Invalid version string
Version number is not an acceptable value. The Version data type is a text
string containing a valid version string. A version string has the format
xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx where x is a digit.
All UPPER case required
Lowercase values are not allowed. The UpperCase data type is a text string that
must be all uppercase.
Invalid GUID string
Globally Unique Identifier used is not an acceptable value. The valid format
for a GUID is {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where X is a hex digit
(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F). Note that utilities such as GUIDGEN can
generate GUIDs containing lowercase letters. These must all be changed to
uppercase letters before the GUID can be used by the installer as a valid
product code, package code, or component code.
Invalid file name/usage of wildcards
The database contains an invalid file name or an incorrect wildcard. The
WildCardFilename data type is a Filename that may also contain the wild card
characters "?" for any single character or "*" for zero or
more occurrences of any character. The Filename data type is a text string
containing a file name or folder. By default, the file name is assumed to use
short file name syntax; that is, eight-character name, period (.), and
3-character extension. To include a long file name with the short file name,
separate it from the short file name with a vertical bar (|).
Short and long file names must not contain the following characters:
\ ? | > < : / * "
In addition, short file names must not contain the following characters:
+ , ; = [ ]
No space is allowed preceding the vertical bar (|) separator for the short file
name/long file name syntax. Short file names may not include a space, although
a long file name may. A space can exist after the separator only if the long
file name of the file name begins with the space. No full-path syntax is
Invalid identifier
The Identifier data type is a text string. Identifiers may contain the ASCII
characters A-Z (a-z), digits, underscores (_), or periods (.). However, every
identifier must begin with either a letter or an underscore.
Invalid Language Id
The database contains an invalid numeric Language Identifier (LANGID). The
Language data type is a text string containing one or more valid numeric
language IDs. If there are two or more language IDs, they must be separated by
See the platform SDK for a current list of Language Identifiers used by
Windows. For example, 1033 for the U.S. and 0 for language neutral.
Invalid Filename
The Filename data type is a text string containing a file name or folder. By
default, the file name is assumed to use short file name syntax; that is,
eight-character name, period (.), and 3-character extension. To include a long
file name with the short file name, separate it from the short file name with a
vertical bar (|).
Short and long file names must not contain the following characters:
\ ? | > < : / * "
In addition, short file names must not contain the following characters:
+ , ; = [ ]
No space is allowed preceding the vertical bar (|) separator for the short file
name/long file name syntax. Short file names may not include a space, although
a long file name may. A space can exist after the separator only if the long
file name of the file name begins with the space. No full-path syntax is
Invalid full path
Only Path, AnyPath, and Paths data types are allowed. The Path data type is a
text string containing a valid full path. The string may also contain a
property name enclosed in square brackets [ ]. In such a case, the name of the
property, including the brackets, is replaced in the string by the value of the
property. The AnyPath data type is a text string containing either a full path
or a relative path. When specifying a relative path, you can include a long
file name with the short file name by separating the short and long names with
a vertical bar (|). Note that you cannot specify multiple levels of a directory
or fully qualified paths in this way. The path may contain properties enclosed
within square brackets ([ ]). The Paths data type is a text string containing a
list of Path data types, separated by semicolons (;).
Bad conditional string
The database contains an invalid conditional string. This is a text string that
must evaluate to TRUE or FALSE according to the Conditional Statement Syntax.
Invalid format string
Only Formatted data type is allowed.
The Formatted data type is a text string that is processed to resolve embedded
property names, table keys, environment variable references, and other special
substrings. The following conventions are recognized to resolve the string
* Square brackets ([ ]) or curly braces ({ }) with no matching pair are left in
the text.
* If a substring of the form [propertyname] is encountered, it is replaced by
the value of the property. If propertyname is not a valid property name, then
the substring resolves as blank.
* The square brackets may be iterated and the property names are resolved from
inside out.
* If a substring of the form [%environmentvariable] is found, the value of the
environment variable is substituted for the substring.
* If a substring of the form [\x] is found, it is replaced by the character x ,
where x is one character, without any further processing. Only the first
character after the backslash is kept; everything else is removed.
* If a substring is enclosed in curly braces ({ }), and it contains no property
names enclosed in square brackets ([ ]), the substring is left unchanged,
including the curly braces.
* If a substring is enclosed in curly braces ({ }) and it contains one or more
property names enclosed in square brackets ([ ]) then, if all the property
names are valid, the text (with the resolved substitutions) is displayed
without the curly braces.
* If a substring of the form [~] is found, it is replaced with the null
character. This is used to author REG_MULTI_SZ character strings in the
Registry table. Note that [~] is also used to append or prefix values to
environment variables using the Environment table.
* If a substring of the form [#filekey] is found, it is replaced by the full
path of the file, with the value filekey used as a key into the File table. The
value of [#filekey] remains blank and is not replaced by a path until the
installer runs the CostInitialize action, FileCost action, and CostFinalize
action. The value of [#filekey] depends upon the installation state of the
component to which the file belongs. If the component is run from the source,
the value is the path to the source location of the file. If the component is
run locally, the value is the path to the target location of the file after
installation. If the component has an action state of absent, the installed
state of the component is used to determine the [#filekey] value. If the
installed state of the component is also absent or null, [#filekey] resolves to
an empty string, otherwise it resolves to the value based upon the component's
installed state. For more information about checking the installation state of
components, see Checking the Installation of Features, Components, Files.
* If a substring of the form [$componentkey] is found, it is replaced by the
install directory of the component, with the value componentkey used as a key
into the Component table. The value of [$componentkey] remains blank and is not
replaced by a directory until the installer runs the CostInitialize action,
FileCost action, and CostFinalize action. The value of [$componentkey] depends
upon the installation state of the component and where it occurs. In the Value
column of the Registry Table, this substring may refer to the action state or
the requested action state of the component. In all other cases, this substring
refers to the action state of the component. For example, if the component is
run from the source, the value is the source directory of the file. If the
component is run locally, the value is the target directory after installation.
If the component is absent, the value is left blank. Windows Installer tracks
both the action and requested installation states of components.
* Note that if a component is already installed, and is not reinstalled,
removed, or moved during the current installation, the action state of the
component is null and the string [$componentkey] evaluates to Null.
If a substring of the form [!filekey] is found, it is replaced by the full
short path of the file, with the value filekey used as a key into the File
table. This syntax is valid only when used in the Value column of the Registry
or the IniFile tables. When used in other columns this syntax is treated the
same as [#filekey].
Invalid template string
Only Template data type is allowed. The Template data type is a text string
that may contain properties that are enclosed in brackets [ ]. The template
type allows all of the Formatted type formats, plus [1] where 1 is a number.
Invalid DefaultDir string
Only DefaultDir data type is allowed. The DefaultDir data type is a text string
containing either a valid Filename or a valid Identifier. This is used only in
the Directory table. It must be an identifier if the directory is a root
directory. If the directory is a non-root, this value must be a filename or a
filename:filename pair. Note that "." is allowed as a file name and
has special meaning in the Directory table.
Invalid registry path
Only RegPath data type is allowed. The RegPath data type is a text string
containing a Registry path. Registry paths can include properties, as with the
Formatted data type. A RegPath may not begin or end with a backslash (\). The
[#file key] and [$component key] can be embedded in the path or preceded by
other characters.
Bad CustomSource data
Only CustomSource data type is allowed. The CustomSource data type is either a
valid Identifier or an external key depending on the Type column of the
CustomAction table. It can be an external key into the Binary table, File
table, Directory table, and Property table.
Invalid property string
Only Property data type is allowed. The Property data type is a valid
Identifier with the additional syntax "%identifier", which represents
an environment variable.
Missing data in _Validation table or old Database
There are columns in the database that are not listed in the Column column of
the _Validation table. The database and _Validation table do not match
Bad cabinet syntax/name
Only Cabinet data type is allowed. The Cabinet data type must be used in the
Cabinet column of the Media table. If the cabinet name is preceded by the
number sign, the cabinet is stored as a data stream inside the package. The
character string which follows the # is an Identifier for this data stream.
Note that if the cabinet is stored as a data stream, the name of a cabinet is
_Validation table: Invalid category string
This is an error in authoring the _Validation table. Validation does not
recognize the category string used for this particular column in the
_Validation table. The following Column Data Types are specified as valid
categories: Text, UpperCase, LowerCase, Integer, DoubleInteger, Time/Date,
Identifier, Property, Filename, WildCardFilename, Path, Paths, AnyPath,
DefaultDir, RegPath, Formatted, Template, Condition, GUID, Version, Language,
Binary, CustomSource, Cabinet, Shortcut.
_Validation table: Data in KeyTable column is incorrect
The KeyTable column in the _Validation table references a table that does not
exist in the database.
_Validation table: Value in MaxValue column < that in MinValue column
This is an error in authoring the _Validation table. Min must always be less
than or equal to Max.
Bad shortcut target
Only Shortcut data type is allowed. The Shortcut data type is usually used in
the Target column of the Shortcut table. If it contains square brackets ([ ]),
the shortcut target is evaluated as a Formatted string. Otherwise, the shortcut
is evaluated as an Identifier and must be a valid foreign key into the Feature
String overflow (greater than length permitted in column)
The string's length is greater than the column width specified by the column
definition. Note that the installer does not internally limit the column width
to the specified value. See Column Definition Format.
Undefined error
Unknown error
Column cannot be localized
Primary key columns cannot be localized.
How can I fix ICE03?
You will need to correct the data found in the specified table based on the
data type information stored in _Validation table.
Where can I get more information?
Microsoft Platform SDK - ICE03
What does ICE04 check?
ICE04 validates that the sequence number of every file in the File table is
less than or equal to the largest sequence number in the LastSequence column of
the of the Media table.
When does ICE04 show up?
ICE04 posts an error message if there is a file with a sequence number greater
than the largest LastSequence number for the source media.
How can I fix ICE04?
LastSequence column in Media table holds the maximum number allowed for a
sequence number of a file. In order to fix this, the largest LastSequence
number for the source media needs to be incremented.
Where can I get more information?
What does ICE05 check?
ICE05 validates that certain database tables contain required entries. The
following properties (i.e. Windows Installer variables) have to be present in
the Property table of any MSI file: ProductName, ProductLanguage,
ProductVersion, ProductCode, and Manufacturer.
When does ICE05 show up?
ICE05 posts an error if a required entry is not found in the database.
How can I fix ICE05?
You will need to add the required entry or entries to your installation
What does ICE06 check?
ICE06 checks every table to validate that all the columns listed in the
_Validation table are present in the table. The _Validation table is a system
table that contains the column names and the data types for all of the tables
in the database. It is used during the database validation process to ensure
that all columns are accounted for and have the correct values. If a table does
not exist, any _Validation entries for that table are ignored.
When does ICE06 show up?
ICE06 posts an error if it detects instances in which an author tries to use a
new _Validation table that reflects a schema change with an old database that
has not been updated. ICE06 also detects the reverse case of an old _Validation
table being used with an altered database. Essentially, ICE06 will show up when
there is a table column defined in the _Validation table that is not listed in
the _Columns table.
How can I fix ICE06?
You will need to update your _Validation table or alter your MSI database
What does ICE07 check?
ICE07 checks to see if the installation package is set to install fonts into
the FontsFolder (FontsFolder is a property which gets resolved to the full path
of the system Fonts folder.). If a font is installed to a folder other than the
FontsFolder the installer creates a shortcut rather than actually installing
the font.
When does ICE07 show up?
ICE07 posts an error if the font file is being installed into a folder other
than the FontsFolder.
How can I fix ICE07?
You will need to specify your fonts files to be installed into the
What does ICE08 check?
ICE08 validates that the Component table contains no duplicate GUIDs (i.e.
Globally Unique Identifiers). Every component must have a unique GUID.
Components are storage units for application resources. They are also
registered on the target system for application maintenance. The only way for
Windows Installer to identify which resource belongs to which component is
through these unique identifiers. Components should never ever use the same
When does ICE08 show up?
ICE08 posts an error message if two or more components share the same GUID.
Technically that means two or more entries in the ComponentId column of the
Component table contain the same GUID.
How can I fix ICE08?
You will need to specify/generate unique GUIDs for each component you have in
your installation database.
What does ICE09 check?
ICE09 checks to see if a file is set to be installed as a permanent resource
(to be left on the system during uninstall) under SystemFolder (SystemFolder is
the property which gets resolved to the full path of the System folder).
Technically, ICE09 validates that the permanent bit is set for every component
marked for installation into the SystemFolder.
When does ICE09 show up?
ICE09 posts a warning if a file that is set to be installed under System folder
is NOT marked as a permanent resource. Installation authors should avoid
installing non-permanent system components to the SystemFolder.
How can I fix ICE09?
To prevent this warning, you should mark your files that are set to be
installed under System folder as permanent resources. Technically, you need to
set the Permanent bit in the Attributes column of the Component table for every
component that is marked for installation into the SystemFolder.
What does ICE10 check?
ICE10 checks if advertisement is allowed for a child feature whose parent
feature supports advertisement. Technically, ICE10 validates that the advertise
state of child features matches that of its parent feature. A child feature may
not disallow advertisement while its parent feature allows advertisement
because it would turn off the parent whenever the parent was supposed to be
advertised. However, the reverse is allowed. A child can be marked to favor
advertisement while the parent is marked to disallow advertisement.
Note: The Windows Installer can advertise the availability of an application to
users or other applications without actually installing the application. If an
application is advertised, only the interfaces required for loading and
launching the application are presented to the user or other applications. If a
user or application activates an advertised interface the installer then
proceeds to install the necessary components as described in
When does ICE10 show up?
ICE10 generates an error if a child feature disallows advertisement while its
parent feature allows advertisement. Technically, ICE10 posts an error if the
Attributes column of the Feature table contains a mismatch in the advertise
How can I fix ICE10?
Child feature should not be set to disallow advertisement, which conflicts with
the allow advertisement state of its parent. So, you should either change the
feature state of the child or the parent. Note that it is valid to set the
state of a feature to 0 and have its parent or child set to favor or disallow
What does ICE11 check?
ICE11 validates that a nested MSI installation custom action has a valid
identifier for the source. Technically, ICE11 checks the Source column of the
CustomAction table for Nested Installation custom actions. The Source column
must contain a valid GUID (MSI product code).
where X is a hex digit (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F). Utilities such as
GUIDGEN can generate GUIDs containing lowercase letters. These must all be
changed to uppercase letters before the GUID can be used by the installer as a
valid product code, package code, or component code
When does ICE11 show up?
ICE11 posts an error if the Source column of the CustomAction table is authored
incorrectly for nested installation custom actions.
How can I fix ICE11?
The source of a Nested Installation custom action must contain a valid GUID.
So, you should update the source value so that it can represent a valid MSI
product code.
What does ICE12 check?
ICE12 checks the following items in your MSI database:
>CostFinalize action occurs in any sequence table containing Set
Directory(Type 35) or Set Property(Type 51) custom actions.
>Every Set Directory(Type 35) custom action comes after the
CostFinalizeaction in the sequence tables.
>Every Set Property(Type 51) custom action that has a foreign key to
the Directory table in the Source column of the CustomAction table comes before
the CostFinalize action in the sequence tables.
ICE12 queries the CustomAction, Directory, AdminExecuteSequence,
AdminUISequence, AdvtExecuteSequence, InstallExecuteSequence, and
InstallUISequence tables for validation.
Note: ICE12 does not validate the formatted text in the Target column of the
CustomAction table.
When does ICE12 show up?
ICE12 posts an error message if validation of the custom actions that set a
directory property fails.
How can I fix ICE12?
Since ICE12 checks more than one thing, you will need to fix your MSI based on
the specific error message returned from ICE12. You may need to do one of the
following to fix ICE12:
>Change the custom action entry in the Source column of CustomAction table
to an existing entry in the Directory table or add the new directory to the
Directory table.
>Change the custom action location in the InstallExecuteSequence table such
that it comes after the CostFinalize action.
>Change the custom action location in the InstallExecuteSequence table such
that it comes before the CostFinalize action.
What does ICE13 check?
ICE13 checks if any of your installation user interface dialogs in your MSI
database are placed in ExecuteSequence tables. Technically, ICE13 validates
that dialogs in sequence tables appear ONLY in the AdminUISequence, or
InstallUISequence tables. Dialogs must not be listed in the ExecuteSequence
tables (i.e. InstallExecuteSequence, AdminExecuteSequence, and
AdvtExecuteSequence tables).
When does ICE13 show up?
ICE13 posts an error message if a dialog is found in an execute sequence table
(i.e. InstallExecuteSequence, AdminExecuteSequence, or AdvtExecuteSequence
How can I fix ICE13?
You should either completely remove the specified dialog from the execute
sequence or cut & paste it to a UISequence table (i.e. AdminUISequence, or
What does ICE14 check?
ICE14 validates the following:
>Root (top level) features must not have Follow Parentattribute set. A root
feature does not have a parent.
>No feature can be its own parent.
When does ICE14 show up?
ICE14 posts an error message if it finds a root feature with the Follow
Parent(i.e., msidbFeatureAttributesFollowParent) bit set or a feature
withidentical entries in the Feature and Feature_Parent columns of the Feature
How can I fix ICE14?
Depending on the ICE14 error details, you will need to do one of the
>From your root feature, remove the msidbFeatureAttributesFollowParent bit
set in the Attributes column of the Feature table.
>Remove the value found under Feature_Parent column of the Feature table for
the feature that has the same entry in the Feature and Feature_Parent columns.
What does ICE15 check?
ICE15 validates that content type and extension references in the MIME and
Extension tables are reciprocal. The MIME table must reference a content type
to an extension that the Extension table references back to the same content
type. Multiple extensions can reference the same MIME type, as long as the MIME
type references back to one of the extensions. Multiple MIME types can
reference the same extension, as long as the extension references back to one
of the MIME types.
Note: Whenever a MIME references an extension, that extension cannot have the
MIME_ column in the Extension table set to Null.
When does ICE15 show up?
ICE15 posts an error if the content type and extension references are not
How can I fix ICE15?
You will need to take a look at ContentType, and Extension_ columns of MIME
table as well as Extension, and MIME_ columns of Extension table to find if
references are reciprocal.
Note: _(i.e. underscore character) used in a column name is an indication of
a foreign key (i.e. primary key of another table). Such a column name also
gives you an indication about which table it links to. For example, MIME_
column of Extension table is a foreign key that links the table to MIME table
where the primary key is ContentType. Hence, you should see the same data under
both columns for records that are reciprocal.
What does ICE16 check?
ICE16 validates that the value of the ProductName property in the Property
table is no greater than 63 characters in length.
Note: The installer truncates ProductName values that are 31 to 63 characters
in length to 31 characters. A longer name does not show when the registry key
for DisplayName is set in the Uninstall for ARP.
When does ICE16 show up?
ICE16 posts an error message if the ProductName set in the Property table is
longer than 63 characters.
How can I fix ICE16?
You need to make your Product Name string less than or equal to 63 characters
in length.
What does ICE17 check?
ICE17 checks more than one situation related to the user interface controls
used on dialogs (if your setup contains dialogs).
When does ICE17 show up?
ICE17 displays an error or warning message if the following rules are not
>Pushbutton control used on a dialog must have an event defined in the
Control Event table. Essentially the idea of using a push button is to trigger
an event. A button that is not attached to an event does not provide any value.
ICE17 returns error if this rule is not followed.
>Bitmap and/or icon controls used on dialogs must have corresponding bitmaps
and/or icons listed in the Binary table. Binary table is used to store binary
data such as bitmaps, icons, DLL files, etc. If a bitmap control or an icon
control does not have a corresponding data listed in the Binary table, ICE17
returns error.
>Property value used in RadioButton table must be used for the corresponding
data under Property column in Control table (if the Indirect bit is not set in
Attributes column). ICE17 posts a warning because the installer uses the
property's value as a foreign key into the RadioButton table, but the value is
missing from the primary key of that table. This warning can be ignored if the
control is created at runtime.
>Property value used in ComboBox table must be used for the corresponding
data under Property column in Control table (if the Indirect bit is not set in
Attributes column). ICE17 posts a warning because the installer uses the
property's value as a foreign key into the ComboBox table, but the value is
missing from the primary key of that table. This warning can be ignored if the
control is created at runtime.
>Property value used in ListView table must be used for the corresponding
data under Property column in Control table (if the Indirect bit is not set in
Attributes column). ICE17 posts a warning because the installer uses the
property's value as a foreign key into the ListView table, but the value is
missing from the primary key of that table. This warning can be ignored if the
control is created at runtime.
>PushButton or CheckBox controls can display a bitmap or an icon. If that is
the case, Text column of the Control table must contain a foreign key into the
record of the Binary table containing the bitmap or icon. ICE17 returns error
if this rule is not followed.
>RadioButtonGroup control can display a bitmap or an icon. If that is the
case, Text column of the RadioButton table must contain a foreign key into the
record of the Binary table containing the bitmap or icon. ICE17 returns error
if this rule is not followed.
>PushButton, CheckBox, or RadioButtonGroup controls can not have both Icon
bit and Bitmap bit set in the Attributes column of the Control table. It is not
allowed to set both attributes together. ICE17 returns error if this rule is
not followed.
How can I fix ICE17?
Depending on the situations explained above, the necessary modifications should
be done for the appropriate record(s) of user interface control tables.
What does ICE18 check?
ICE18 checks if the installation package specifies an empty directory as the
key path of a component that is not listed in the CreateFolder table.
If the KeyPath column of the Component table is Null, this means that directory
listed in the Directory_ column is the key path for that component. Because
folders created by the installer are deleted when they become empty, this
folder must be listed in the CreateFolder table to prevent the installer from
attempting to install every time.
When performing a validation ICE18 first checks whether the following are all
>The KeyPath column of the Component table contains a Null value.
>That there are no files listed for the component in the File table.
>That there are no files for the component listed in the RemoveFile table
and that the value in the DirProperty is the same as the Directory_ column of
the Component table.
>That there are no files for the component listed in the DuplicateFile table
and that the value in the DestFolder is the same as the Directory_ column of
the Component table.
>That there are no files for the component listed in the MoveFile table and
that the value in the DestFolder is the same as the Directory_ column of the
Component table.
If these are all true then ICE18 validates the following:
>That the Component_ column of the CreateFolder table has the same value as
the Component column of the Component table.
>That the Directory_ column of the CreateFolder table has the same value as
the Directory_ column of the Component table.
When does ICE18 show up?
ICE18 posts an error message if the installation package specifies a directory
as the key path for component that is not listed in the CreateFolder
How can I fix ICE18?
Empty directory used as a key path for a component in the installation package
must be specified in the CreateFolder table.
What does ICE19 check?
ICE19 validates that advertised components reference a file in the KeyPath
column of the Component table and that an advertised shortcut references a
directory in this column.
ICE19 validates that advertised components or shortcuts have a ComponentId.
Components in the PublishComponent table, which are not advertised in another
table, are only checked to see whether they have a ComponentId.
When does ICE19 show up?
ICE19 posts an error message if the KeyPath column of the Component table does
not reference a file in the case of an advertised component or a directory in
the case of an advertised shortcut.
ICE19 posts an error message if any advertised components or shortcuts do not
have a ComponentId.
How can I fix ICE19?
Depending on the situation, either the KeyPath or ComponentId column of the
Component table has to be updated.
What does ICE20 check?
ICE20 validates the standard dialogs (i.e. FilesInUse, Error, Exit, UserExit,
FatalError dialogs) and dialog requirements of an installation package having
an authored user interface. Installation packages with an authored user
interface have a Dialog table and the LIMITUI property is not set.
When does ICE20 show up?
ICE20 posts an error message if it cannot validate that the standard dialogs
and requirements are present in the installation package.
How can I fix ICE20?
If you use commercial MSI setup development tools, standard dialogs should
already be part of a base MSI template. In other words, ICE20 should never show
up if you create packages based on a base MSI template which contains these standard
What does ICE21 check?
ICE21 validates that every component in the Component table belongs to a
feature. FeatureComponents table is checked to verify this mapping.
When does ICE21 show up?
ICE21 posts an error message if the installation package contains a component
that does not belong to a feature.
How can I fix ICE21?
Every component in an MSI package must be assigned to a feature. If there are
unassigned components, they will never be installed on a target PC. In order to
fix ICE21, the component with this error must be assigned to a proper feature
in the package. This can be accomplished by creating a record in
FeatureComponents table.
What does ICE22 check?
ICE22 uses the FeatureComponents table to validate the mapping of features and
components referenced in the PublishComponent table (PublishComponent table is
used for qualified components. A qualified component is a method of
single-level indirection, similar to a pointer. Qualified components are
primarily used to group components with parallel functionality into
When does ICE22 show up?
ICE22 posts an error message if the features and components are mapped
incorrectly in the PublishComponent table.
How can I fix ICE22?
PublishComponent table needs to be modified to have the correct mapping of
features and components referenced in PublishComponent table.
What does ICE23 check?
ICE23 validates the control tab order for each dialog box. ICE23 verifies that
the tab order forms a single, closed, loop that comes back to the initial
control. Hence, at run-time if you tab from one control to another in the end
you should come back to the control which you started with.
When does ICE23 show up?
ICE23 posts an error message if the tab order of controls does not form a
single closed loop in the dialog box.
How can I fix ICE23?
You will need to create a single, closed loop for the tab order. You may need
to modify the data under Control_First column of dialog record found in Dialog
table or data under Control_next column of control record found in Control
What does ICE24 check?
ICE24 validates the following properties in the Property table:
>That the ProductCode Property is a valid GUID data type. The valid format
for a GUID is {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} where X is a hex digit
>That the ProductVersion Property is a valid Version data type. The Version
data type is a text string containing a valid version string. A version string
has the format xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx where x is a digit. The maximum
acceptable version string is 65535.65535.65535.65535.
>That the ProductLanguage Property is a valid Language data type. The
Language data type is a text string containing one or more valid numeric
language IDs.
When does ICE24 show up?
ICE24 posts an error message if any of these properties are not in the form of
a valid data type.
How can I fix ICE24?
Property value(s) must be modified to follow the data types allowed.
What does ICE25 check?
ICE25 validates that a .msi file satisfies all of its internal merge module
dependencies and exclusions.
When does ICE25 show up?
ICE25 posts an error message if .msi file has previously been merged with an
incompatible merge module or if it has not been merged with a necessary merge
How can I fix ICE25?
All merge module dependencies indicated in the .msi file's ModuleDependency
table must be satisfied by at least one merge module listed in the
ModuleSignature table. All excluded merge modules in the ModuleExclusion table
must be compatible with the merge modules listed in the ModuleSignature
What does ICE26 check?
ICE26 validates that AdminUISequence, AdminExecuteSequence, InstallUISequence,
InstallExecuteSequence tables contain the actions that are required by the
table and does not contain any actions disallowed in the table.
When does ICE26 show up?
ICE26 posts an error message if the installation package has a sequence table
that lacks a required action or that contains an action that is disallowed for
the table.
How can I fix ICE26?
If a required action is missing from the sequence table, you must add the
missing action to the indicated sequence table. If an action cannot be in the
indicated sequence table, you must remove the action from the sequence
What does ICE27 check?
ICE27 validates the sequence tables (i.e., AdvtExecuteSequence,
AdminUISequence, AdminExecuteSequence, InstallUISequence,
InstallExecuteSequence tables) of an installation package for valid actions,
action sequence restrictions, and organization in Search, Costing, Selection,
and Execution sections.
The ICE27 custom action validates the following:
>That the actions listed in the Action column of the sequence tables are standard
actions, a custom action listed in the CustomAction table, or a dialog box
listed in the Dialog table.
>That actions subject to sequencing restrictions are in the correct relative
order to each other in the action sequence. Sequencing restrictions result when
one action is dependent on another.
>That actions restricted to a particular section of the sequence are located
where they belong.
When does ICE27 show up?
ICE27 posts an error message if there are sequence tables in the package with
invalid action sequencing or organization.
How can I fix ICE27?
If there is an unknown action found in a standard table, depending on the
action either a custom action must be added to CustomAction table or a dialog
box must be listed in the Dialog table.
If there is an action that is in wrong place in the sequence table, you must
change the sequence number of the action to place it to the correct location in
the sequence.
If there is an action depends on the execution of another action in the
sequence, one of the two actions must be re-placed in the action sequence by
updating the action sequence number so that the dependent action always gets
executed first.
What does ICE28 check?
ICE28 is commonly used to validate that the ForceReboot action (if used) is
placed before or after, and never within, a specific group of actions in the
action sequence tables (i.e., AdminUISequence, AdminExecuteSequence,
InstallUISequence, InstallExecuteSequence).
When does ICE28 show up?
ICE28 posts an error message if ForceReboot is sequenced within the specified
action group.
How can I fix ICE28?
The ForceReboot action must come between InstallInitialize and InstallFinalize
in the action sequence of the InstallExecuteSequence table.
The following actions commonly occur together as a group in the action
sequence. It is recommended that the ForceReboot action be scheduled to come
after this group. If the ForceReboot action is scheduled before the
RegisterProduct action, the installer again requires the source of the installation
package after the restart. Therefore, the preferred sequence for ForceReboot is
immediately following this action sequence.
What does ICE29 check?
MSI file is designed as a Win32 OLE structured storage and handling of streams
by the Win32 OLE structured storage implementation limits stream names. The
installer can compress stream names up to 62 characters in length. Names longer
than this are truncated. ICE29 validates that truncated stream names remain
unique. Any table having a Binary or Object column is validated.
When does ICE29 show up?
ICE29 posts an error if truncated stream names do not remain unique.
How can I fix ICE29?
You must change the truncated stream name to a unique name to fix this
What does ICE30 check?
ICE30 validates that the installation of components containing the same file
never installs the file more than once in the same directory. ICE30 checks both
long file names (LFN) and short file names (SFN).
ICE30 can detect file collisions due to directories with the same property in
their paths, but does not detect collisions resulting from two properties
having the same value due to possible change of a property value at run-time.
When does ICE30 show up?
ICE30 posts an error message for each pair of components that installs the same
file to the same directory.
How can I fix ICE30?
Unless two (or more) components have mutually exclusive conditions, they must
not install the same file to the same location. Doing so will break the
component reference counting system.
In order to fix ICE30, you should either conditionalize both components or make
sure that components install the file to different targets.
What does ICE31 check?
ICE31 checks if the font styles used in controls on dialogs are defined in MSI.
It also validates that the DefaultUIFont property refers to a valid font style.
The DefaultUIFont property sets the default font style used for controls.
Controls can have a predefined font style. To set the font and font style of a
text string, you need to prefix the string of displayed characters with
{\style} or {&style}. Where style is an identifier listed in the TextStyle
column of the TextStyle table. If neither of these are present, but the
DefaultUIFont property is defined as a valid text style, that font will be
ICE31 checks the Text column for each control in the Control Table to verifies
that a valid entry exist in the TextStyle table.
When does ICE31 show up?
ICE31 posts an error message for undefined styles, style names that are too
long, a missing TextStyle table, and style tags with no closing brace.
ICE31 posts a warning if the style tag is not at the beginning of the line, or
if a control has multiple style tags
How can I fix ICE31?
If the error is because of an undefined style, a style record has to be entered
in TextStyle table.
If the error is due to a long style name, you will need to shorten the name so
that it can contain less than 72 characters. A style that is over 72 chars and
therefore cannot possibly be a style even if somehow you did manage to get it
in the TextStyle table.
If the error is because of the missing TextStyle table, it has to be added to
the MSI and then style records have to be added to the table.
If the error is due to a style tag with no closing brace, a closing brace has
to be added to the Text column of the control record in Control table.
If ICE31 posts a warning because of a style tag not at the beginning of the
line, the tag has to be replaced to the beginning of the line under the Text
column of the control record in Control table.
If ICE31 posts a warning due to multiple style tags, only one of the tags have
to be left by removing the others from the Text column of the control record in
Control table.
What does ICE32 check?
ICE32 validates that keys and foreign keys in the .msi file are of the same
size and column definition types. This ICE custom action makes the comparison
using the _Validation table and using the definition types that are returned by
When does ICE32 show up?
ICE32 posts errors if the .msi file contains any foreign keys to keys of a
different column length or column data type.
How can I fix ICE32?
If the foreign key and key defined differ in size, you should change the data
type length to match.
If there is a foreign key and key defined that differ in their definition
types, the foreign key and key pairs must be defined so that their data types
Note: As long as you use a good MSI template to start with and do not manually
add any extra custom tables to the database, you should never see any ICE32
What does ICE33 check?
ICE33 validates that the all the entries in the Registry table belong in that
Even though Registry table is used to create/edit registry keys on the target
machine, it is not the only table used to do this task. Registry keys that register
Classes, Filename Extensions, ProgIDs, Shell Verbs, Remote Server AppIDs, MIME
types, or Typelibs are considered as special keys because they can be used as
advertised entry points to the application. Maximizing the number of advertised
entry points to the application increases the chances that the application can
trigger self-repair in a situation where the application is expected to fail.
Technically entering these special registry keys to Registry table does not
create any problems as far as the application functionalities and the setup are
concerned. These special keys will still be registered by means of Registry
table. However, Windows Installer service will not consider these keys as
advertised entry points to the application. Hence, they will not be able to
trigger self-repair if needed. Use of Extension, ProgId, Verb, MIME, Class,
Typelib and AppId tables provides the extra benefit by maximizing your
potential for self-healing.
The other disadvantage of keeping ICE33 warnings in your MSI package is the
fact that you will not be able to fully advertise your product if you want to
utilize advertising features of Windows Installer. That means,
installation-on-demand will be limited to only advertised shortcuts but not
other entry points such as file extensions or MIME types. That is because
advertising simply puts down the advertised entry points to the target machine
and postpones the rest of the installation to a time that the application is
somehow triggered by an advertised entry point. If Registry table is used to
store those entry points such as file extensions, they will not show up during
advertisement. They will only show up when the application is fully
When does ICE33 show up?
ICE33 issues a warning for each Registry table entry that should be moved and
suggests the appropriate table. ICE33 posts warnings for any entries that
register Classes, Filename Extensions, ProgIDs, Shell Verbs, Remote Server
AppIDs, MIME types, or Typelibs.
How can I fix ICE33?
The fix is to move those special registry entries to the table(s) suggested by
the warning. However, unless you are very familiar with registry as well as the
application, it is not recommended to move them especially in a repackaging
situation. Taking such an action without much familiarity with registry and the
application can cause more problems with your MSI package.
Extensions, ProgIds, Verbs, and MIME types must be registered through their
respective Extension, ProgId, Verb, MIME tables to support advertisement and
install-on-demand. Entries in the Registry table are not written to the
registry until the component controlling the value is installed to run Locally
or to Run From Source. This precludes the advertisement of components
registered through the Registry table. It also precludes install-on-demand for
any feature or product requiring the component because advertisement is the
only way install-on-demand is available through the Windows Shell.
For Windows 2000, COM Classes must be registered through the Class table to advertise
CLSID Contexts and for install-on-demand.
Note that the tables available cannot handle all possible COM registration. In
these cases an author should enter as much information as possible into to the
individual tables and the remaining information into the Registry table. A
common authoring error that must be avoided in this case is that of duplicating
an entry in both a COM table and in the Registry table.
It is easier to manage registry keys if they are listed in the appropriate
tables rather than being mixed together into the Registry tables. The values in
the Typelib and AppId tables are registered when the component controlling the
value is installed to run Locally or From Source. These tables are provided for
the convenience of setup authors.
What does ICE34 check?
ICE34 validates that each radio button on every RadioButtonGroup Control has a
property in the Property column of the RadioButton table that specifies its
radio button group. ICE34 validates that this property exists and is set to a
default value in the Property table which is equal to one of the group's radio
button values in the Value column of the RadioButton table.
A radio button group must have a default for users to be able to select a
choice using the TAB key. This is required for proper user accessibility.
Property used for a RadioButtonGroup control keeps the selection made by the
ICE34 also reports missing tables.
When does ICE34 show up?
ICE34 post an error message if there is a radio button that does not have a
property or specifies an invalid property.
How can I fix ICE34?
To fix the errors reported by this ICE34, you need to check the
>Every RadioButton control entry without the indirect attribute set has a
property listed in the Property column.
>Every such property has at least one corresponding entry in the RadioButton
>Every such property is defined in the Property table, with a value that is
one of the choices from the RadioButton table.
>Every property referenced in the Property column of a RadioButton control
with the indirect attribute set is defined in the Property table.
What does ICE35 check?
ICE35 validates that components containing compressed files stored in a cabinet
file are not set to run from source. With Windows Installer 2.0 or later, this
restriction has been removed.
ICE35 queries the Cabinet column of the Media table to determine which files
are compressed and stored in a cabinet file. It queries the File table to
determine which components contain these files. Finally, it checks the
Component table to determine whether the run-from-source bits are set in the
Attributes column.
When does ICE35 show up?
ICE35 posts an error message if there is a compressed file stored in a cabinet
file belonging to a component which is set to run from source. With Windows
Installer 2.0 or later, this is changed from an error to a warning message.
ICE35 posts warning message if there is a compressed file stored in a cabinet
file belonging to a component which is set to run locally or from source. This
warning message has been removed with Windows Installer 2.0 and later.
How can I fix ICE35?
To fix this error/warning you must change the bit set in the Attributes column
of the Component table so that it will be set to run locally, or remove the
file from the CAB file.
What does ICE36 check?
ICE36 checks if the package contains unused icons that reduces the installer
performance. ICE36 validates that every icon in the Icon table is listed at
least once in the ARPPRODUCTICON property or the Class, ProgId, or Shortcut
During advertisement, the installer installs all the icons listed in the Icon
table on the user's computer. Having unused icons in the Icon table does not
prevent the installation from running, however it does unnecessarily increase
the size of the .msi file and the time and space required to advertise a
When does ICE36 show up?
ICE36 posts a message if there is an icon in the Icon table that is not
referenced in the Class, ProgId, or Shortcut tables and if there is no UI
provided to create such a reference at run time.
How can I fix ICE36?
If an icon is not referenced in the property or table and there is no UI
provided to create a reference at run time, you should remove the icon to achieve
better performance.
What does ICE38 check?
ICE38 validates that every component being installed under the current user's
profile also specifies a registry key under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER root in the
KeyPath column of the Component table.
In a roaming user profiles scenario where the application is installed for
everyone, windows installer must take care of re-installing the user specific
resources such as HKCU keys for the new user who did not originally install the
application. Since key paths are verified and self healing is initiated (if
necessary) when the application is launched through an advertised entry point,
the way to get the user specific data back for a new user is to make an HKCU
key as the key path of a component that installs the user data.
When does ICE38 show up?
ICE38 posts an error if a component installed under the user's profile does not
specify a HKCU registry key.
How can I fix ICE38?
>If a component with a file key path, installs to user profile, it must use
a registry key under HKCU as its Key Path, not a file. To fix this error on the
component, change the component key path type to registry key path and set the
key path to a HKCU key.
>If a component with a key path value set to NULL, installs to user profile,
it must use a registry key under HKCU as its Key Path, not NULL. To fix this
error on the component, change the component key path type to registry key path
and set the key path to a HKCU key.
>If a component with a registry key path value set to a HKLM registry key,
installs to user profile, it must use a registry key under HKCU as its Key
Path, not a HKLM registry key. To fix this error on the component, set the key
path to a HKCU key.
>If a component with a registry key path value set as NULL, installs to user
profile, it must use a registry key under HKCU as its Key Path, not NULL. To
fix this error on the component, set the key path to a HKCU key.
>If the Registry entry referenced in the KeyPath column of the component was
found and lies under the HKCU tree, but the registry entry's Component_ column
does not refer back to the same component that listed it as the KeyPath, this
means that the registry entry used as the KeyPath of the component would only
be created when some other component was installed. To fix this error change
the KeyPath value to refer to a registry entry that belongs to the component,
or change the registry entry to belong to the component using it as a KeyPath.
What does ICE39 check?
ICE39 validates the Summary Information Stream of the database.
ICE39 checks the format of the Word Count Summary Property, Page Count Summary
Property, Template Summary Property, Revision Number Summary Property, Create
Time/Date Summary Property, Last Saved Time/Date Summary Property, and Last Printed
Summary Property.
When does ICE39 show up?
If the Word Count Summary Property specifies that the source is compressed,
ICE39 posts a warning if any files are also marked as compressed in the
Attributes column of the File table.
ICE39 also posts a warning if the properties specified above do not follow the
format specified in Windows Installer SDK.
How can I fix ICE39?
If the warning is due to a data format problem, check the specific property
explanation and update the value entered as a value based on the property value
What does ICE40 check?
ICE40 does the following miscellaneous validation:
>ICE40 checks if the .msi file is missing the Error table and the Page Count
Summary Property is less than or equal to 100. This means that the installer is
only capable of displaying numeric error codes to the user at run time. The
Error table is only required in packages having a schema that is less than or
equal to 100. Windows Installer versions 1.1 and later do not require the
package to have an Error table because the error messages can also be retrieved
using Msimsg.dll. Packages with a schema greater than 100 cannot be installed
by Windows Installer version 1.0.
>ICE40 checks if the REINSTALLMODE property has been overridden.
>ICE40 also checks if the RemoveIniFile table has a Delete Tag entry with no
When does ICE40 show up?
>ICE40 posts an error if the .msi file is missing the Error table and the
Page Count Summary Property is less than or equal to 100.
>ICE40 posts an error if REINSTALLMODE property is defined in the Property
>ICE40 posts an error if there is a Delete Tag action in the in the
RemoveIniFile column of the RemoveIniFile table without specifying a tag to
delete in the Value column.
How can I fix ICE40?
>If the .msi file is missing the Error table and the Page Count Summary
Property is less than or equal to 100, add an Error table to the installation
package and author formatting templates in the Message column for error
>If REINSTALLMODE property is defined in the Property table, remove it from
the Property table. Defining the REINSTALLMODE property in .msi file can lead
to unexpected behavior.
>If there is a Delete Tag action in the in the RemoveIniFile column of the
RemoveIniFile table without specifying a tag to delete in the Value column, add
a tag to delete in the Value column of RemoveIniFile table for that specific
What does ICE41 check?
ICE41 checks if the package contains any feature that does not contain the
component implementing the class object or extension. If the package contains
such a feature, the installer does not install the component with the feature
and that advertising may not work as expected.
ICE41 validates that the entries in the Class and Extension tables refer to
entries in the Component table that implement the class object or extension of
the component.
When does ICE41 show up?
ICE41 posts an error if there is a feature that does not contain the component
implementing the class object or extension.
How can I fix ICE41?
>If the error is due to an extension, change the entry in the Feature_
column of the Extension table entry to reference a feature that installs the
component listed in the Component_ column or change the feature and component
associated in the FeatureComponents table.
>If the error is because of a class entry, change the entry in the Feature_
column of the Class table entry to reference a feature that installs component
listed in the Component_ column or change the feature and component associated
in the FeatureComponents table.
What does ICE42 check?
ICE42 validates that InProc servers are not linked to EXE files in the Class
table. EXE files cannot be InProc servers.
ICE42 also validates that only LocalServer and LocalServer32 classes have
arguments and DefInProc values.
When does ICE42 show up?
ICE42 posts an error if there are InProc servers linked to EXE files in the
Class table.
How can I fix ICE42?
>If CLSID specified in the Class table is an InProc server, but the
implementing component has an EXE as its key path, change the key path file.
>If Context column of the Class table for a CLSID record is set to
'InProcServer32' and the record has an argument under Argument column, remove
the argument. Only LocalServer contexts can have arguments.
>If CLSID in context 'InProcServer32' species a default InProc value, remove
the DeflnProc value or change the context of the class. Only LocalServer
contexts can have default InProc values.
What does ICE43 check?
ICE43 validates that shortcuts that do not reference a feature as their Target
(non-advertised shortcuts) are in components having a HKCU registry entry as
their key path.
Leaving ICE43 errors in the package causes non-advertised shortcuts in the
problem component to be installed for the first user on the computer ONLY.
Users who install the component later do not see the shortcuts because the
component appears to the installer as already existing on the computer.
When does ICE43 show up?
ICE43 posts an error message if a non-advertised shortcut is in a component
that does not have a HKCU registry entry as its key path.
How can I fix ICE43?
>If a component has non-advertised shortcuts, and its key path is set to a
file, reset the key path with a registry key under HKCU.
>If a component has non-advertised shortcuts, and its key path is set to
NULL, reset the key path with a registry key under HKCU.
>If a component has non-advertised shortcuts, and its key path is set to a
registry key other than keys under HKCU, reset the key path with a registry key
under HKCU.
>If a component has non-advertised shortcuts, and its key path is set to a
registry key under HKCU but not listed in the Registry table, create the entry
in the Registry table.
>If a registry entry is set as the key path for a component, but that
registry entry doesn't belong to the same component, the registry entry used as
the key path of the component is only created if some other component was
installed. To fix this error, change the key path value to refer to a registry
entry that belongs to the component or change the registry entry to belong to
the component using it as a key path.
What does ICE44 check?
ICE44 validates that the NewDialog, SpawnDialog, and SpawnWaitDialog
ControlEvents reference valid dialog boxes in the Dialog table.
When does ICE44 show up?
ICE44 posts an error message if there is a dialog control event that does not
reference a dialog box listed in the Dialog table.
How can I fix ICE44?
If the control event for a control on a dialog is set to NewDialog, or
SpawnDialog, or SpawnWaitDialog, the argument must be set to a valid dialog box
in the Dialog table.
To fix ICE44, add an argument that is a key in the Dialog Table.
What does ICE45 check?
ICE45 validates that bit field columns in the database do not set any reserved
bits to 1.
Reserved bits provide no functionality in current versions of the installer,
but might in future versions. They should be set to 0 to be compatible with
future versions of Windows Installer.
When does ICE45 show up?
ICE45 posts an error message if any of the following tables contains a bit
field with a reserved bit set to a value of 1.
>BBControl table
>Dialog table
>Feature table
>File table
>MoveFile table
>ModuleConfiguration table
>ODBCDataSource table
>Patch table
>RemoveFile table
>ServiceControl table
>ServiceInstall table
>TextStyle table
ICE45 posts one of two warning messages if the Control Table contains a bit
field with a reserved bit set to a value of 1.
How can I fix ICE45?
To avoid ICE45, do not set any reserved bits to 1 for bit field columns in the
What does ICE46 check?
ICE46 checks for custom properties in conditions, formatted text, and other
locations that differ from a system defined property only by the case of one or
more characters.
Note: Property names are case sensitive.
When does ICE46 show up?
ICE46 posts an informational message if there is a custom property in a
condition, formatted text, and other location that differs from a system
defined properties only in the case of one or more characters.
How can I fix ICE46?
If you receive ICE46, verify that those two properties mentioned in the
informational message are NOT the same. Since properties are case sensitive, a
property name with lower case characters is different than the same property
name with upper case characters (even if the difference is only one character
being upper case or lower case).
What does ICE47 check?
ICE47 checks the Feature and FeatureComponents tables for features with 1600 or
more components.
When does ICE47 show up?
ICE47 posts an error message if a feature exceeds the maximum limit of 1600
components per feature on Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP and 800
components per feature on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Millennium Edition
(Windows Me).
How can I fix ICE47?
To fix this warning, try splitting the feature into several features.
What does ICE48 check?
ICE48 checks for directories that are hard-coded to local paths in the Property
When does ICE48 show up?
ICE48 posts an error message if there is a directory that is hard-coded to a
local path in the Property table.
How can I fix ICE48?
Do NOT hard-code directory paths to local drives because computers differ in
the setup of the local drive. This practice may be acceptable if deploying an
application to a large number of computers on which the relevant portions of
the drives are all the same.
What does ICE49 check?
ICE49 checks for default registry entries that are not a REG_SZ type.
When does ICE49 show up?
ICE49 posts an error if there is a default registry entry that is not a REG_SZ
On Windows 95 computers, default registry entries (those with no name) can only
be REG_SZ values. On Windows 98 and Windows NT/Windows 2000 systems, default
values can be of any type. Components with non-REG_SZ default values are valid,
as long as they are never installed on a Win95 computer. If they are, an error
is generated at install time.
How can I fix ICE49?
To fix this error, make installation of the component conditional upon the
target not being a Windows 95 computer, or change the value to type
What does ICE50 check?
ICE50 checks that shortcut icons are specified to display correctly and match
their target file's extension.
When does ICE50 show up?
ICE50 posts an error message if the extension of the icon and target files do
not match. ICE50 posts a warning if icons are stored in files that do not have
an .exe or .ico extension.
How can I fix ICE50?
>If the extensions of the icon and the target file do not match, the
shortcut will not have the correct context menu when the component is
advertised. To fix this error, rename the icon to match the extension of the
target file.
>Some versions of the shell incorrectly display icons stored in files that
do not have extensions of "exe" or "ico". To fix this
warning, rename the icon have an extension of "exe" or
What does ICE51 check?
ICE51 checks for TTC/TTF fonts that have titles and other fonts that are
missing titles.
When does ICE51 show up?
ICE51 posts an error or warning if there are any TTC/TTF fonts with titles or
other fonts missing titles.
How can I fix ICE51?
You must specify a title for fonts that do not have embedded names.
TTF/TTC fonts have the title of the font embedded in the file itself. Do not
specify a title for these fonts because the font is then registered twice, once
under the supplied name and again under the embedded name.
What does ICE52 check?
ICE52 checks for private properties in the AppSearch table.
The AppSearch table contains properties needed to search for a file having a
particular file signature. The AppSearch table can also be used to set a
property to the existing value of a registry or .ini file entry.
When using Windows 2000 all properties set in the Property column of the
AppSearch table must be public properties.
Note: Private property names must include lowercase letters. However, public
property names cannot contain lowercase letters.
When does ICE52 show up?
ICE52 posts a warning if there is a private property in the AppSearch
How can I fix ICE52?
To fix this warning change the private property found in the AppSearch table to
a custom public property.
What does ICE53 check?
ICE53 checks for entries in the Registry table that write private installer
information or policy values to the system registry.
When does ICE53 show up?
ICE53 posts a warning if the Registry table specifies writing internal or
policy information to the registry.
How can I fix ICE53?
The package should not specify any system policy value in the registry. System
policies should be configured without an installer package.
Note: Windows Installer specific system policy values can be found under
What does ICE54 check?
ICE54 checks for components that use a companion file as their key path.
When does ICE54 show up?
ICE54 posts a warning if any component has a key path file that derives its
version from another file.
How can I fix ICE54?
The key path file of a component must not derive its version from a different
file. This can cause some files to fail to install. To fix this warning, change
the key path of the component to another file whose version is not derived from
a different file and found in the same component.
Note: For companion files, the Version field of the File table can be set to
contain the primary key of another record in the File table. The referenced
file then determines the versioning logic for this file.
What does ICE55 check?
ICE55 validates that all LockPermission objects exist and have valid permission
Note: The LockPermissions table is used to secure individual portions of your
application in a locked-down environment. It can be used to set permissions on
installation of files, registry keys, and created folders for specific
When does ICE55 show up?
ICE55 post an error if a LockObject listed in the LockPermissions table does
not exist or if no privilege level is specified in the Permission column.
How can I fix ICE55?
>If there is an object record in the LockPermission without a permission
value, specify a numeric value in Permission column. If no privileges are
needed for this object then you should remove the row.
>If an object described in the LockPermissions table is not listed in the
appropriate table (i.e., File, Registry, CreateFolder), refer to a valid
What does ICE56 check?
ICE56 validates that the directory structure of the .msi file has a single root
directory, that the root is the TARGETDIR property, and that the SourceDir
property value is in the DefaultDir column of the Directory table.
If a .msi file has multiple roots or specifies a root other than TARGETDIR, an
administrative installation does not create a correct administrative image.
Note: Empty directories are not checked by ICE56. The directory structure
passes validation with multiple root directories if the extra directories are
When does ICE56 show up?
ICE56 posts an error if the .msi does not have a single root, TARGETDIR, or if
SourceDir is not specified in the DefaultDir column of the Directory
How can I fix ICE56?
>If directory TARGETDIR has a bad DefaultDir value, change the DefaultDir
value to SourceDiror SOURCEDIR. It may be possible to make TARGETDIR the
parent of the second root, and use the '.' value in the DefaultDir column.
>If there is a root directory other than TARGETDIR set to SourceDiror
SOURCEDIR, remove the second root directory. The Directory structure
should have only one root called TARGETDIR.
What does ICE57 check?
ICE57 validates that individual components do not mix per-machine and per-user
data. This ICE custom action checks registry entries, files, directory key
paths, and non-advertised shortcuts.
Mixing per-user and per-machine data in the same component could result in only
partial installation of the component for some users in a multi-user
environment. For example, after the installation for everyone on the same
machine, a new user may not be able to get per-user data due to the poor design
of components. This can lead to application run-time problems.
When does ICE57 show up?
ICE57 posts an error if it finds any component that contains both a per-machine
and per-user registry entries, files, directory key paths, or non-advertised
How can I fix ICE57?
To fix ICE57 errors, reorganize the application such that each component
contains only per-user or per-machine resources, and not both.
What does ICE58 check?
ICE58 checks that your Media table does not have more than 80 rows.
When does ICE58 show up?
ICE58 posts a warning if the package contains more than 80 rows in the Media
table and the package's Page Count Summary Property is less than 150.
Warnings reported by ICE58 cause the installation to FAIL unless the package is
installed with Windows Installer version 2.0 or later. Beginning with Windows
Installer version 2.0, the restriction to more than 80 media table entries is
removed. No warning is issued if the package's Page Count Summary Property is
greater than or equal to 150. Packages of schema 200 or higher can only be
installed by Windows Installer version 2.0 or later.
How can I fix ICE58?
To fix this error, eliminate any unused media table entries, consolidate media
table entries that refer to the same media, and repackage your application to
reduce the media required.
Note: If the target machines are known to have Windows Installer version 2.0 or
later, ICE58 can be safely ignored.
ICE59 What does ICE59 check?
ICE59 checks that advertised shortcuts belong to components that are installed
by the target feature of the shortcut.
Target of an advertised shortcut must point to a valid feature and the
component it refers to must be part of the target feature.
Errors reported by ICE59 generally lead to the following behavior:
The advertised shortcut will launch the Windows Installer to install the
feature listed in the Target column. But because the FeatureComponents table
does not map the target feature to the component containing the shortcut, the
keyfile of the component (which is activated by the shortcut) is not installed.
Therefore the shortcut is broken and will not do anything.
When does ICE59 show up?
ICE59 posts an error if an advertised shortcut does not belong to the
components that are installed by the target feature of the shortcut.
How can I fix ICE59?
If there is no mapping between the target feature of an advertised shortcut and
the component it refers to (in the FeatureComponents table), add a row to the
FeatureComponents table so that target feature of the advertised shortcut is
associated with the component that advertised shortcut belongs.
What does ICE60 check?
ICE60 checks that files in the File table meet the following condition:
>If the file is not a font and has a version, then it must have a
>ICE60 checks that no versioned files are listed in the MsiFileHash
Failure to fix a warning reported by ICE60 generally leads to a file being
needlessly reinstalled when a product repair is done. This happens because the
file to be installed in the repair and the existing file on disk have the same
version (they are the same file) but different languages. The file table lists
the language as null, but the file itself has a language value in the resource.
Based on the file versioning rules, the installer favors the file to be
installed, so it is recopied needlessly.
When does ICE60 show up?
>ICE60 posts a warning or an error if a file in the File table that is not a
font and has a version, does not have a language.
>ICE60 posts an error if a file listed in the MsiFileHash table is
How can I fix ICE60?
>If ICE60 shows up due to a missing language code, add a language to the
file in the File table. Files should have language values stored in the version
resource whenever possible. If a file is language neutral, use the LANGID 0.
>If a versioned file is listed in the MsiFileHash table, remove the record
from the table.
What does ICE61 check?
ICE61 checks the upgrade table to ensure that the following conditions are
>All ActionProperty properties are not pre-authored in the Property
>All ActionProperty properties are Public Properties.
>All ActionProperty properties are included in the SecureCustomProperties
property (i.e., they are restricted public properties).
>All ActionProperty properties are unique to each record in the Upgrade
>All VersionMax values are not less than the corresponding VersionMin
>No attempt is made to remove a newer or equal version of the current
Failure to fix a warning or error reported by ICE61 generally leads to problems
in upgrading your application. Depending on the exact error, this could be
anything from leaving files from the older version behind, deleting files from
the older version even though they are needed by the new application, or
complete failure of the upgrade.
When does ICE61 show up?
ICE61 posts a warning or error if any of the above conditions are not
How can I fix ICE61?
>If the VersionMax value in the Upgrade table is NOT less than the product
version in the Property table (i.e., ProductVersion), the installer will try to
remove the product of the same version or higher. To fix this error, use a
version in the VersionMax column lower than the current version specified in
the Property table. Remove the Include maximum versionoption if Maximum Version
is equal to the current version. If the intent is only to detect the product
and not remove it, specifying Detect Onlywill also fix this error.
>If the ActionProperty is not listed in the SecureCustomProperties property,
the property is not passed to the server side of the install when the property
is found. To fix this error, add the property to SecureCustomProperties (i.e.,
make it a restricted public property).
>If the ActionProperty contains lowercase letters, edit the property name to
have all uppercase letters. Upgrade properties must be public properties for
the result to be passed to the server side of the installation.
>If the same ActionProperty is used for more than one record of the Upgrade
table, use a different property for the second record. A property can only be
used in one row of the Upgrade table.
>If Upgrade.VersionMax is less than Upgrade.VersionMin, update the
VersionMax value to be higher than VersionMin. The minimum version must be less
than the maximum version.
What does ICE62 check?
ICE62 performs extensive checks on the IsolatedComponent table for data that
may cause unexpected behavior.
IsolatedComponents table is used to specify that the installer copy the shared
files (commonly shared DLLs) of an application into that application's folder
rather than to a shared location. This private set of files (DLLs) are then
used only by the application. Isolating the application together with its
shared components in this manner has the following advantages:
>The application always uses the versions of the shared files with which it
was deployed.
>Installing the application does not overwrite other versions of the shared
files by other applications.
>Subsequent installations of other applications using different versions of
the shared files cannot overwrite the files used by this application.
Failure to fix an error reported by ICE62 can result in a failure of the
isolated component system in a wide variety of ways. For example, if the shared
DLL reference counter is not incremented for a shared component, the registration
for the component could be removed when another application uses that
ComponentId and is uninstalled.
When does ICE62 show up?
ICE62 posts a warning or error when it finds data in the IsolatedComponent
table that may produce unexpected behavior.
How can I fix ICE62?
>If an isolated application component does not have a file key path, use a
different component as the application for the isolated component. An isolated
application component must provide a valid executable path to use to isolate
the component.
>If an isolated shared component is not set to increment shared DLL
reference counter, update the component to increment the shared DLL counter.
Not solving this problem can result in the lifetime of the component being
incorrect. If another application uses this component (isolated or not) and is
uninstalled, the registration for the component is removed but this
application's isolated copy remains. This causes repair and uninstall problems.
>If an isolated shared component contains a condition that may be evaluated
too FALSE during the lifetime of an installation on a computer, the isolated
component could be orphaned without registration information. To fix this
warning, remove the condition, or author the condition so that it can never change
from TRUE to FALSE.
>If an isolated shared component is shared by two or more components that
belong to different features and are installed to the same directory, install
the components to different directories or check whether some of the components
truly require an isolated component.
>If a feature containing one of the application components is removed the
shared component is removed as well. This causes the other feature having
application components to lose the isolated component.
What does ICE63 check?
ICE63 checks for proper sequencing of the RemoveExistingProducts action.
Note: The RemoveExistingProducts action goes through the product codes listed
in the Upgrade column of the Upgrade table and removes the products in sequence
by invoking nested installations. For each nested installation the installer
sets the ProductCode property to the product code and sets the REMOVE property
to the value in the Remove field of the Upgrade table. If the Remove field is
blank, its value defaults to ALL and the installer removes the entire product.
The RemoveExistingProducts action has sequence restrictions and may be
>Between InstallValidate and InstallInitialize
>Immediately after InstallInitialize, or after InstallInitialize if the actions
between InstallInitialize and RemoveExistingProducts do not generate any script
>Immediately after InstallExecute or InstallExecuteAgain and before
InstallFinalize (the same restriction as above applies).
>After InstallFinalize.
Failure to fix a warning or error reported by ICE63 leads to failure of the
When does ICE63 show up?
ICE63 posts a warning or error if the sequencing of the RemoveExistingProducts
action is not correct.
How can I fix ICE63?
To fix ICE63, verify resequence the actions based on sequence restrictions of
RemoveExistingProducts action.
What does ICE64 check?
ICE64 checks that new directories in the user profile are removed correctly in
roaming scenarios.
Failure to fix a warning or error reported by ICE64 generally leads to problems
in completely cleaning the computer during an uninstallation. When a roaming
user who has installed the application logs on to a computer for the first
time, all of the profile is copied down onto the computer. On advertisement
(which takes place after the roaming profile download), the Installer verifies
that the directory is already there and therefore does not delete it on
uninstallation. This leaves the directory on the user's computer permanently.
When does ICE64 show up?
ICE64 posts a warning or an error in a roaming situation if a new directory in
the user profile that should be removed is not removed.
How can I fix ICE64?
To fix ICE64, you must explicitly specify installer to remove the directory in
the user profile folder by creating a row for the folder in the RemoveFile
Note: ICE64 can be a problem only if advertisement is used. If the application
is not going to be advertised but fully installed by Windows Installer, it can
be ignored.
What does ICE65 check?
ICE65 checks that the Environment table does not have invalid prefix or append
Note: The Environment table is used to set the values of environment variables.
Failure to fix a warning or error reported by ICE65 generally leads to problems
in install, uninstall, or repair of the environment variable. For example, only
some values of a particular variable may be removed if one or more of the
values for that variable have a trailing separator.
The following is the list of valid prefixes for environment variable
>=Create the environment variable if it does not exist, and then set it
during installation. If the environment variable exists, set it during the
>+Create the environment variable if it does not exist, then set it
during installation. This has no effect on the value of the environment
variable if it already exists.
>- Remove the environment variable when the component is removed. This
symbol can be combined with any prefix.
>!Remove the environment variable during an installation. The installer
only removes an environment variable during an installation if the name and
value of the variable match the entries in the Name and Value fields of the
Environment table. If you want to remove an environment variable, regardless of
its value, use the '!' syntax, and leave the Value field empty.
>*This prefix is used with Microsoft Windows NT/Windows 2000 to indicate
that the name refers to a system environment variable. If no asterisk is
present, the installer writes the variable to the user's environment. Microsoft
Windows 95/98 ignores the asterisk and add the environment variable to
autoexec.bat. This symbol can be combined with any prefix. A package that is
used for per-machine installations should write environment variables to the
machine's environment by including * in the Name column. For more information,
see Remarks.
>=- The environment variable is set on install and removed on uninstall.
This is the usual behavior.
>!- Removes an environment variable during an install or uninstall.
Value column in the Environment table is used to append values to existing
environment variables if necessary.
>To append a value to the end of an existing variable, prefix the string in
this field by the Null character [~] and the separator character. For example,
if the semicolon is the chosen separator: [~];Value.
>To prefix a value to the front of an existing variable, append the string
in this field by the separator character and the Null character [~]. For
example, if the semicolon is the chosen separator: Value;[~] .
>If no [~] is present in the field, the string represents the entire value
to be set or deleted.
>Each row can contain only one value. For example, the entry Value;Value;[~]
is more than one value and should not be used because it causes unpredictable
results. The entry Value;[~] is just one value.
>If Name is prefixed with +, then [~] must not be used in Value column. This
is because the meaning of "+" and "[~]" are clearly
exclusive of one another.
When does ICE65 show up?
ICE65 posts a warning or an error if the environment table has invalid prefix
or append values.
How can I fix ICE65?
To fix ICE65, use valid prefix and/or append values based on Environment table
guidelines mentioned above.
What does ICE66 check?
ICE66 uses the tables in the database to determine which schema your database
should use.
When does ICE66 show up?
ICE66 posts a warning if your database is using the wrong schema.
How can I fix ICE66?
Some functionalities of installer package may only be available if the package
is installed on a system with a specific version of Windows Installer. If you
would like to make your package compatible with older versions of Windows
Installer, you must make sure that the new functionalities provided only in the
later versions of installer are not used in your package. Otherwise, you may
miss some functionality of your package that are executed on windows platforms
with older versions of Windows Installer. Set your Page Count Summary property
What does ICE67 check?
ICE67 checks that the target of a non-advertised shortcut belongs to the same
component as the shortcut itself, or that the attributes of the target
component ensure that it does not change installation locations.
Failure to fix a warning or error reported by ICE67 can cause the shortcut to
be invalid if the target component changes state and the source component does
not. For example, when the target file's component is set to run from source, a
reinstallation that changes the component to local results in the component
containing the shortcut not being reinstalled. Thus the shortcut points to an
invalid location.
When does ICE67 show up?
ICE67 returns an error or a warning if the target of a non-advertised shortcut
does not belong to the same component as the shortcut itself, or if the
attributes of the target component do not ensure that the installation
locations will not change.
How can I fix ICE67?
To fix ICE67, install the non-advertised shortcut as part of the component
containing the target file or mark the component with the target file to be
installed locally only or run-from-source only but NOT optional.
What does ICE68 check?
ICE68 checks that all custom action types needed for an installation are
Failure to fix the error reported by ICE68 causes an installation that attempts
to execute the action to fail.
ICE68 issues a warning if the action is set to run in system context without
specifying it as a deferred execution custom action.
When does ICE68 show up?
ICE68 returns an error if an action type needed for an installation is
How can I fix ICE68?
>If ICE68 shows up due to a custom action marked to run with elevated
privileges but not specified as deferred, you must set the action to be
deferred. Otherwise, the custom action will execute under user context.
>If ICE68 shows up because of an invalid custom action type, choose a valid
custom action type for the action.
What does ICE69 check?
ICE69 checks that all substrings of the form [$componentkey] within a formatted
string do not cross-reference components. A cross-component reference occurs
when the [$componentkey] property of a formatted string refers to a component
other than the component stored in the Component_ column of your tables.
Note: If a substring of the form [$componentkey] within a formatted string is
found, it is replaced by the install directory of the component. If a component
cross-references to another and both components do not belong to the same
feature or contain different conditions, it is possible that they may not be
installed at the same time causing such a substring above to be evaluated to
NULL value. Such missing information may lead to application run-time problems.
When does ICE69 show up?
>ICE69 returns an error if a [$componentkey] substring within a formatted
string cross-references a component in another feature.
>ICE69 returns a warning if a [$componentkey] substring within a formatted
string cross-references a component in the same feature. (The FeatureComponents
table is used to determine this mapping. It must map to the same feature for
the warning. Referencing components in parent features or referencing
components in child features is considered to be an error.)
>ICE69 reports an error if the [#FileKey] substring within a formatted
string references a file that is not present in the File table.
How can I fix ICE69?
To fix this error, do not cross-reference components. You must change the
[$componentkey] to match its own component instead of another component.
What does ICE70 check?
ICE70 verifies that integer values for registry entries are specified
correctly. Values of the form ##str, #%unexpanded str are not validated. Values
of the form #xhex, #Xhex, #integer, and #[property] are validated. ICE70 checks
for valid hex characters (0-9,a-f,A-F). and for valid numeric characters (0-9).
When does ICE70 show up?
ICE70 reports an error if integer and/or hex values for registry entries are
not specified correctly.
How can I fix ICE70?
To fix ICE70, use valid values for numeric and/or hex values for registry
What does ICE71 check?
ICE71 verifies that the Media table contains an entry with DiskId equal to 1.
(Windows Installer assumes that the .msi package is on disk 1.)
When does ICE71 show up?
ICE71 returns an error if the Media table does not contain an entry with DiskId
equal to 1.
How can I fix ICE71?
To fix this error, change the DiskId of the entry where the package is stored
to 1.
What does ICE72 check?
ICE72 verifies that non-built-in custom actions are not used in the
AdvtExecuteSequence table. Specifically, only type 19 (i.e., Cancel
Installation), type 35 (i.e., Set Directory), and type 51 (i.e., Set Property)
custom actions are allowed in the AdvtExecuteSequence table. If other custom
actions are used, advertisement may not behave as expected.
Note: AdvtExecuteSequence is used when application is advertised.
When does ICE72 show up?
ICE72 returns an error if the AdvExecuteSequence table uses custom actions
other than type 35, type 51, and type 19.
How can I fix ICE72?
To fix the error, remove custom actions other than type 35, type 51, and type
19 from the AdvtExecuteSequence table.
What does ICE73 check?
ICE73 verifies that your package does not reuse package codes, upgrade codes,
or product codes of the Windows Installer SDK samples. Packages should never
reuse the package, upgrade, or product codes of another product.
When does ICE73 show up?
ICE73 outputs a warning if your product's package reuses a package or product
code of a Windows Installer SDK sample.
How can I fix ICE73?
To fix ICE73 errors, generate a new unique GUID for your package's product,
package and upgrade codes.
What does ICE74 check?
ICE74 verifies that the FASTOEM property has not been authored into the
Property table.
The FASTOEM property enables OEMs to reduce the time required to install
Windows Installer applications for the first time. It cannot be used after the
first install. The FASTOEM property must not be authored in the Property table
because this interferes with subsequent installations for the maintenance,
removal, or repair of the application.
ICE74 also verifies that the UpgradeCode property is authored into the Property
table, and that its value is not a null GUID,
When does ICE74 show up?
>ICE74 posts error if the FASTOEM property has been set in the Property
>ICE74 also posts error if UpgradeCode is not found in the Property table or
set to a NULL GUID.
How can I fix ICE74?
>If FASTOEM property is found in the Property table and you did not
intentionally put it there, remove it from the Property table.
>If UpgradeCode is not found in the Property table, specify an UpgradeCode
for the application.
What does ICE75 check?
ICE75 verifies that all Custom Action Type 17 (DLL), Custom Action Type 18
(EXE), Custom Action type 21 (JScript), and Custom Action Type 22 (VBScript)
custom actions are sequenced after the CostFinalize action. These types of
custom action use an installed file as their source. ICE75 checks the
InstallUISequence Table, InstallExecuteSequence Table, AdminUISequence Table,
and AdminExecuteSequence Table.
Note: CostFinalize action is required in InstallUISequence,
InstallExecuteSequence, AdminUISequence, and AdminExecuteSequence tables.
This ICE75 custom action is only available for Windows Installer version 2.0 or
When does ICE75 show up?
ICE75 posts an error if it finds a custom action using an installed file as a
source file that is not sequenced after the CostFinalize action.
How can I fix ICE75?
To fix ICE75 errors, sequence the custom actions after the CostFinalize
What does ICE76 check?
ICE76 verifies the use of the SFP (i.e., System File Protection or WFP -
Windows File Protection) catalog within Windows Installer packages for Windows
ICE76 also verifies that no files in the BindImage table reference SFP
Note: The BindImage table contains information about each executable or DLL
that needs to be bound to the DLLs imported by it.
Windows File Protection requires an exact match between the file and the
signature embedded in the catalog file. Files that reference a SFP catalog must
not be listed in the BindImage table because the effect of the BindImage action
on these files differs between computers. Files referenced by SFP catalogs must
be in components that are permanent or installed locally.
When does ICE76 show up?
ICE76 posts an error for each file in the BindImage table that is also in the
FileSFPCatalog table.
ICE76 outputs an error if a file in the FileSFPCatalog table belongs to a
component with any of the following true:
>Component is set to be removed during uninstall (i.e., component is not
>Component is set to run from source.
>Component is et to run locally or from source.
How can I fix ICE76?
If a file references a SFP catalog, it can not be in the BindImage table. To
fix ICE76, do not enter any files that reference SFP catalogs into the
BindImage table.
What does ICE77 check?
ICE77 verifies that deferred custom actions are sequenced after the
InstallInitialize action and before the InstallFinalize action. ICE77 checks
the sequence in the InstallExecuteSequence table and AdminExecuteSequence
When does ICE77 show up?
>ICE77 posts an error if an in-script custom action is sequenced before the
InstallInitialize action or after the InstallFinalize action.
>ICE77 posts an error if the InstallInitialize action or the InstallFinalize
action is missing.
How can I fix ICE77?
To fix ICE77 errors, sequence the in-script (deferred) custom actions after the
InstallInitialize action and before the InstallFinalize action. The
InstallInitialize and InstallFinalize actions must be present in the
InstallExecuteSequence table and the AdminExecuteSequence table.
What does ICE78 check?
ICE78 verifies that the AdvtUISequence table either does not exist or is empty.
This is required because no user interface is allowed during advertising.
When does ICE78 show up?
ICE78 posts an error if the AdvtUISequence table exists and is not empty.
How can I fix ICE78?
To fix ICE78 error, either remove the action from the AdvtUISequence table, or
remove the AdvtUISequence table from the package.
What does ICE79 check?
ICE79 validates the references to components and features entered in the
database fields using the Condition data type.
Note: The Condition data type is a text string containing a valid conditional
statement that can be evaluated as true or false.
When does ICE79 show up?
>ICE79 posts warning if _Validation table is missing in the installation
>ICE79 also posts warning if there is an error retrieving value from a
column in a table.
>ICE79 posts error if an invalid component reference is found.
>ICE79 also posts error if an invalid feature reference is found.
How can I fix ICE79?
>To fix ICE79 error, enter valid records for conditions of feature and
conditions in the Feature and the Condition table.
>To fix ICE79 warning, add the _Validation table (if missing) in the
What does ICE80 check?
ICE80 validates that the value of the Template Summary Property (PID_TEMPLATE)
correctly specifies "Intel64" or "Intel" depending on the
presence of 64-bit components or custom action scripts.
ICE80 checks the Component Table for any 64-bit components and checks the
CustomAction Table for any 64-bit scripts.
ICE80 verifies that a package with "Intel64" in its Template Summary
Property also has a Page Count Summary Property (PID_PAGECOUNT) of at least 150
(i.e., Windows Installer version 1.1).
ICE80 also validates that the language ID specified by the ProductLanguage
property must be contained in the Template Summary Property.
When does ICE80 show up?
>ICE80 posts error if a package contains 64 bit component but the Template
Summary Property does not contain Intel64.
>ICE80 posts error if a package contains 64 bit custom action script but the
Template Summary Property does not contain Intel64.
>ICE80 posts error if there is a bad value in Summary Information
>ICE80 posts error if a package is marked with Intel64 but it has a schema
less than 150(i.e., Windows Installer version 1.1).
>ICE80 posts error if the package is 32-bit but it is using a 64-bit
>ICE80 posts error if the package is 32-bit but it is using 64 bit Locator
Type in a RegLocator table entry.
>ICE80 posts error if a 64-bit component is using a 32-bit directory.
>ICE80 posts error if a 32-bit component is using a 64-bit directory.
>ICE80 posts error if the value of the ProductLanguage property is not
listed in the Template Summary property.
How can I fix ICE80?
Based on the ICE80 error description, make the necessary modifications to appropriate
What does ICE81 check?
ICE81 validates the MsiDigitalCertificate table and MsiDigitalSignature table.
This ICE custom action posts warnings for digital certificates that are unused
or unreferenced, and it posts an error when the signed object does not exist or
when the signed object's cabinet does not point to external data.
When does ICE81 show up?
>ICE81 posts warning if all or some Digital Certificate records are unused
in the installation database.
>ICE81 posts error the Media table does not exist but MsiDigitalSignature
has entries.
>ICE81 posts error if the Media table exists, but the entry in
MsiDigitalSignature is not present in Media table.
>ICE81 posts error if a signed object's cabinet does not point to external
How can I fix ICE81?
>To fix ICE81 warning, add record(s) to MsiDigitalSignature table.
>If MsiDigitalSignature table has entries but the Media table does not
exist, add the Media table to the package and add records to the Media table.
>If a signed object’s cabinet does not point to external data, update the
cabinet so that it can point to an object outside the package.
What does ICE82 check?
ICE82 validates that the RegisterProduct Action, RegisterUser Action,
PublishProduct Action, and PublishFeatures Action are all present in the
InstallExecuteSequence table. The package is validated if all the actions are
Note: Not having all these actions prevents the application from being listed
in Add/Remove in the control panel and prevents the advertisement of the
application. Removing all of these actions prevents the application from being
registered with the Windows Installer configuration data. This means that you
will no longer be able to remove, repair, or reinstall the application using
the Windows Installer Command Line Options or the Windows Installer application
programming interface.
When does ICE82 show up?
>ICE82 posts a warning if RegisterProduct Action, RegisterUser Action,
PublishProduct Action, and PublishFeatures Action are absent in the package.
>ICE82 posts a warning if there are two actions with the same sequence
number listed in the InstallExecuteSequence, InstallUISequence,
AdminExecuteSequence, AdminUISequence, or AdvtExecuteSequence tables.
>ICE82 posts an error if some of the four actions (RegisterProduct Action,
RegisterUser Action, PublishProduct Action, and PublishFeatures Action) are
present and others are absent.
How can I fix ICE82?
>To fix ICE82 warning, add RegisterProduct, RegisterUser, PublishProduct,
and PublishFeatures actions to InstallExecuteSequence table (if they are all
missing). If the warning is due to a duplicate sequence number in a sequence
table, update the sequence numbers.
>To fix ICE82 error, add the missing actions among RegisterProduct, RegisterUser,
PublishProduct, and PublishFeatures actions to InstallExecuteSequence table.
What does ICE83 check?
ICE83 validates the MsiAssembly table.
Note: The MsiAssembly table specifies Windows Installer settings for Microsoft
.NET Framework assemblies and Win32 assemblies. If there is at least one entry
in the MsiAssembly table, the InstallExecuteSequence table must contain the
MsiPublishAssemblies action and MsiUnpublishAssemblies action.
This ICE custom action posts an error if the key path for a component
containing a Win32 assembly is set to the manifest file. Explicitly the error
is posted if the value entered in the KeyPath field of the Component table
equals the value entered in the File_Manifest field of the MsiAssembly table.
This ICE custom action posts an error if there is at least one record in the
MsiAssembly table and the InstallExecuteSequence table does not contain both
the MsiPublishAssemblies Action and MsiUnpublishAssemblies Action.
When does ICE83 show up?
>ICE83 posts an error when the KeyPath field for a Win32 Assembly is set to
its manifest file.
>ICE83 posts an error when there is at least one entry in the MsiAssembly
table but the InstallExecuteSequence table does not contain both the
MsiAssemblyPublish action and the MsiAssemblyUnpublish action.
How can I fix ICE83?
>For a Win32 assembly, do not specify a manifest file as the component's key
path file in the KeyPath field of the Component table.
>If there is at least one entry in the MsiAssembly table, make sure that the
InstallExecuteSequence table contains the MsiPublishAssemblies action and
MsiUnpublishAssemblies action.
What does ICE84 check?
ICE84 checks the AdvtExecuteSequence table, AdminExecuteSequence table, and the
InstallExecuteSequence table to verify that the following standard actions have
not been set with conditions in the Condition field.
>CostInitialize action
>CostFinalize action
>FileCost action
>InstallValidate action
>InstallInitialize action
>InstallFinalize action
>ProcessComponents action
>PublishFeatures action
>PublishProduct action
>RegisterProduct action
>UnpublishFeatures action
If conditions are found, ICE84 posts a warning.
When does ICE84 show up?
ICE84 posts a warning if a required action has been authored with a condition.
How can I fix ICE84?
To fix ICE84, remove the conditions around required actions listed above.
What does ICE85 check?
ICE85 validates that the SourceName column of the MoveFile table is a valid
long file name. This field may contain wildcard characters (* and ?).
Note: MoveFile table contains a list of files to be moved or copied from a
specified source directory to a specified destination directory.
When does ICE85 show up?
ICE85 posts an error if the SourceName field in the MoveFile table is not a
valid long file name.
How can I fix ICE85?
To fix this error, change the value found in the SourceName field of MoveFile
table to a valid file name.
ICE86 What does ICE86 check?
ICE86 issues a warning if the package uses the AdminUser property in database
column of the Condition type. Package authors should use the Privileged
property in conditional statements.
Note: The installer sets the AdminUser property on Windows NT/Windows 2000 if
the user has administrator privileges. This property is always set on Windows
95 and Windows 98.
Note: The Privileged property indicates whether the installation is performed
in the context of elevated privileges. The installer sets this property if the
user has administrator privileges, if the application has been assigned by a
system administrator, or if both the user and machine policies
AlwaysInstallElevated are set to true.
When does ICE86 show up?
ICE86 posts a warning if AdminUser property was used in a Condition
How can I fix ICE86?
To fix this warning, replace AdminUser property with Priviliged property.
Note: The installer only sets the AdminUser property if the user is an
administrator. The installer sets the Privileged property if the user is an
administrator or if policy enables the user to install with elevated
What does ICE87 check?
ICE87 validates that the following properties have not been authored in the
Property Table. These properties should instead be set on a command line.
>ADDLOCAL property (The value of the ADDLOCAL property is a list of features
delimited by commas that are to be installed locally.)
>REMOVE property (The value of the REMOVE property is a list of features
delimited by commas that are to be removed.)
>ADDSOURCE property (The value of the ADDSOURCE property is a list of
features delimited by commas that are to be installed to run from source.)
>ADDDEFAULT property (The value of the ADDDEFAULT property is a list of
features delimited by commas that are to be installed in their default configuration.)
>REINSTALL property (The value of the REINSTALL property is a list of
features delimited by commas that are to be reinstalled.)
>ADVERTISE property (The value of the ADVERTISE property is a list of
features delimited by commas that are to be advertised.)
>COMPADDLOCAL property (The value of the COMPADDLOCAL property is a list of
component GUIDs delimited by commas, that are to be installed locally.)
>COMPADDSOURCE property (The value of the COMPADDSOURCE property is a list
of component GUIDs delimited by commas, that are to be installed to run from
the source media.)
>FILEADDLOCAL property (The value of the FILEADDLOCAL property value is a
list of file keys delimited by commas that are to be installed to run locally.)
>FILEADDSOURCE property (The value of the FILEADDSOURCE property denotes a
list of file keys delimited by commas that are to be installed to run from the
source media.)
>FILEADDDEFAULT property (The value of the FILEADDDEFAULT property is a list
of file keys delimited by commas that are installed in their default
When does ICE87 show up?
ICE87 posts a warning if one of the properties listed above is authored into
the Property table. Doing so might cause the product to not be uninstalled
How can I fix ICE87?
To fix ICE87 warning, set the property on a command line instead of the
Property table. For example, msiexec /I setup.msi ADDLOCAL=Feature1,Feature2
What does ICE88 check?
ICE88 validates that the directory referenced in the DirProperty column of the
IniFile table exists in the Windows Installer package.
ICE88 issues a warning if the DirProperty value does not represent a property
in the Directory, AppSearch, or Property tables, certain system folder
properties, or a property set by a type 51 custom action.
ICE88 scans the following tables and properties:
>Directory Table
>AppSearch Table
>Property Table
>CustomAction Table, where the custom action is a Custom Action Type 51
(i.e., Set Property)
>ProgramFilesFolder Property
>CommonFilesFolder Property
>SystemFolder Property
>ProgramFiles64Folder Property
>CommonFiles64Folder Property
>System64Folder Property
When does ICE88 show up?
ICE88 posts a warning if a directory property referenced in the DirProperty
column of the IniFile table does not exist in the installer package.
How can I fix ICE88?
To fix ICE88 warning, make the directory property referenced in the DirProperty
column of the IniFile table available by means of one of the alternative
methods listed above.
What does ICE89 check?
ICE89 validates that the value in the Progid_Parent column in ProgId table is a
valid foreign key into the ProgId column in ProgId table. Every ProgId parent
should have a record in the ProgId table.
Note: The ProgId table contains information for program IDs and version
independent program IDs that must be generated as a part of the product
When does ICE89 show up?
ICE89 posts an error if a ProgId_Parent value in the ProgId table is not a
valid ProgId.
How can I fix ICE89?
To fix ICE89 error, add a new record for the parent ProgId in the ProgId table.
What does ICE90 check?
ICE90 validates the Shortcut table and uses the Directory table. It checks if a
shortcut’s directory is specified as a public property and is under user
profile directory.
The names of Public Properties are written in uppercase letters. A shortcut
specified by a public property may not work if the value of the ALLUSERS
property changes in the UI sequence.
Note: The ALLUSERS property determines where the configuration information of
the installed application is stored (per-user versus per-machine). If ALLUSERS
is not set, the installer does a per-user installation.
When does ICE90 show up?
ICE90 posts a warning if it finds that a shortcut's directory has been
specified as a public property and is under user profile directory.
How can I fix ICE90?
To fix this warning, change your property name to become a private property
(i.e., use at least one lowercase letter in the name). If a private property is
used, you should NOT give any Select Shortcut Folderor Program Grouptype of
option on the user interface of your installer.
Note: On Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows NT, you cannot set a private
property in the user interface phase of the installation and then pass the
value to the execution phase. On earlier systems, this is possible because the
user interface and execution sequences run in the same process.
What does ICE91 check?
ICE91 checks if a file, .ini file, or shortcut file is installed into a
per-user only directory. ICE91 warnings are harmless if the package is only
used for per-user installations and never used for per-machine installations.
Files, .ini files, or shortcuts in per-user only directories are installed into
a particular user's profile. Even if the user sets the ALLUSERS property for a
per-machine installation, files, .ini files, or shortcuts in per-user only
directories are not copied in to the "All Users" profile and are not
available to other users. The per-user only directories do not vary with the
ALLUSERS property. The following is a list of the per-user only directories:
Note: The ALLUSERS property determines where the configuration information of
the installed application is stored (per-user versus per-machine). If ALLUSERS
is not set, the installer does a per-user installation.
If a file or .ini file, or shortcut is set to be installed to the per user
directory that doesn't vary based on ALLUSERS value, this specific resource
won't be copied to each user's profile even if a per machine installation is
When does ICE91 show up?
ICE91 posts a warning if a file, .ini file, or shortcut file is installed into
a per-user only directory.
If a file or .ini file, or shortcut is set to be installed to the per user
directory that doesn't vary based on ALLUSERS value, this specific resource
won't be copied to each user's profile even if a per machine installation is
How can I fix ICE91?
ICE 91 warning message means that the MSI will only install the resource into
the user profile for the user account that executes the MSI, but not for any
other user accounts on the same machine.
As far as the application functionality is concerned, check to see if it is a
necessity that the resource be copied into each user’s profile for correct
functionality of the application or not. If the resource does not need to be in
the user profile to work (i.e., it might work in a folder under All Users
profile) then install it to a folder under All Users profile.
If the resource must be copied to each user’s profile, then add functionality
to your package to do this. To achieve this, add a current user registry key
(i.e., just a dummy registry key) and make this registry key the key path of
the component which contains the resource. This means that the resource will be
copied to the next user’s profile as part of the MSI self healing mechanism,
provided that advertised entry points exist for the product.
What does ICE92 check?
ICE92 verifies that a component without a Component Id GUID is not also
specified as a permanent component.
ICE92 checks the Component Table for components without a GUID specified in the
ComponentId field and verifies that they are not specified as permanent
components. Permanent components are left behind after uninstalling the
If the ComponentId column is null, the installer does not register the
component and the component cannot be removed or repaired by the
When does ICE92 show up?
ICE92 posts error if a component has no ComponentId and is marked as
How can I fix ICE92?
To fix ICE92, assign a GUID to the component or remove the permanent mark from
the component.
What does ICE93 check?
ICE93 checks if a custom action uses the same name as a standard action.
When does ICE93 show up?
ICE93 issues a warning if a custom action uses the same name as a standard
How can I fix ICE93?
To fix ICE93, rename your custom action to a name other than standard action
What does ICE94 check?
ICE94 checks the Shortcut table, Feature table, and MsiAssembly table and posts
a warning if there are any unadvertised shortcuts pointing to an assembly file
in the global assembly cache.
When does ICE94 show up?
ICE94 posts a warning if there are any unadvertised shortcuts pointing to an
assembly file in the global assembly cache.
How can I fix ICE94?
To fix ICE94, make the shortcut advertised.
Note: If the entry in the Target field of the Shortcut table is not a feature
in the Feature table, the shortcut is unadvertised. If the entry in the
Component_ field of the Shortcut table is also listed in the MsiAssembly table,
the shortcut points to an assembly file. If the entry in the File_Application
field in the MsiAssembly table is empty, the assembly file is in the global
assembly cache.
What does ICE95 check?
ICE95 checks the Control table and BBControl table to verify that the billboard
controls fit onto all the billboards.
Note: The BBControl table lists the controls to be displayed on each billboard.
The Control table defines the controls that appear on each dialog box.
When does ICE95 show up?
ICE95 posts a warning if a billboard control does not fit on a billboard.
How can I fix ICE95?
To fix ICE95, resize and/or reposition the billboard to fit on the
What does ICE96 check?
ICE96 verifies that the PublishFeatures action and the PublishProduct action
are entered in the AdvtExecuteSequence table. A package cannot be advertised
without these actions.
Note: The PublishFeatures action writes each feature's state into the system
Note: The PublishProduct action manages the advertisement of the product
information with the system. It publishes the product if the product is in
advertise mode or if any feature is being installed or reinstalled.
When does ICE96 show up?
ICE96 posts a warning if PublishFeatures and/or PublishProduct actions are not
specified in the advertising sequence table (i.e., AdvtExecuteSequence).
How can I fix ICE96?
To fix ICE96, add PublishFeatures and/or PublishProduct standard actions to
AdvtExecuteSequence table.
ICE97 verifies that two components do not isolate a shared component to the
same directory.
ICE97 posts the following warnings.
ICE97 Warning Description
This component [1] installs the Shared component into the same directory [2] as
another, which breaks component rules if both (or more) components are selected
for install. Two components must not isolate a shared component to the same
For example, Component1 and Component2, which share ComponentShared, are
installed to the same directory. Both specify ComponentShared as an isolated
component. Because of the isolation, the files in ComponentShared are copied
twice into the Directory_ reference for Component1 and Component2. The
components now have one reference count on the copy of files. This is in
violation of the Installer component rules. If Component1 is uninstalled, the
isolated components files are removed and Component2 is broken.
What does ICE98 check?
ICE98 verifies that data source names (DSN) that use the ODBCDataSource Table
do not contain invalid characters and do not exceed the maximum length of
SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH (32 characters).
When does ICE98 show up?
ICE98 posts a warning if a data source name contains invalid characters or
exceeds the maximum limit of 32 characters.
How can I fix ICE98?
To fix ICE98, use a valid data source name which is less than 32
What does ICE99 check?
ICE99 verifies that that no property name entered in the Directory table
duplicates a name reserved for the public or private use of the Windows
When does ICE99 show up?
ICE99 posts a warning if a directory name used in the package is the same as
one of the MSI Public Properties.
How can I fix ICE99?
To fix ICE99 warning, change the value in the Directory column of the Directory
table so that it does not duplicate a property name reserved by the Windows